Tutorial 8

Translate your pages

You want to offer your website to your visitors in many languages? No problem, it’s really easy​

Pre-translate your website

First, to translate your website, start by opening the “Translate” brush by clicking on the globe button.

​First enter your actual language, then the language you want to translate to. In this example we will translate from English to French. Then simply click on the green button to validate this choice.

To begin the process, click on the “pre-translate” blue button. You will see in real time your page’s translation progress.

Once it’s done, don’t forget to save your translation by clicking the green button. Note that this process has to be repeated for each page you want to translate.​

Note ; The translation module is an automated process and may contain errors in the destination language. You should always check and correct the translations if needed.

Add a language selection button

To allow your visitors to change the language, we will add a selection button in the navigation bar.

For this, start by opening the translations elements gallery by clicking on the add button. Select the elements category, and finally choose “Translation”.

Then simply drag and drop the button in the navigation bar for it to be available on your whole site.

And that’s it! After you publish, your site will appear in the visitor chosen language!

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