Tutorial 13


You want to create an online store? No problem, create it in a few clicks with AppDrag!

Choose your layout

First, to add a shop section, start by opening the “add component” brush by clicking on the add button, then select the shop section

Then simply drag and drop the products list model you like, anywhere you want on the page and double click on it.

Configure your shop 

First, configure your online store by clicking on the ”add/edit Articles” button.

​Select on the left side the “Settings” menu and fill your shop’s name, address, timezone, currency and tax id.

Payment & Shipping

​Now, under the “Payment” submenu, enter your Paypal address or connect with Stripe.

Lastly, set your shipping informations. Click on the “Shipping” submenu then on the “add zone” button.

​There, start by entering the name of your shipping method, the related countries and applicable taxes, then add a carrier option and it’s rate.​


Select the products menu, from there, you will see all your existing products and will be able to remove or add as much as you like.

To add a new product, simply click on the “new product” link and enter in the right side of the screen your new product informations; name, description, brand, price or images.

Discounts & Promo codes

Would you like to offer your visitors promo code?

​Do it easily with AppDrag!

On the left side, enter the “Discounts” menu. Click on the “Add discount” link and fill the required informations; code, description, whether it’s a fixed rate or a percentage, it’s usage limit and expiry date.​

Items Listing

Now that your shop is configured, click on the AppDrag logo to go back to the builder and to customise your items listing.

Double click on the shop element you previously dropped and enter the ”display options” menu.

​From this menu, you can change this element’s layout, columns number, and many other display options.

Items Detail Page

Now, let’s customize the item details page. Go back to the “ shop products listing” brush and click on the “article template” menu. You will then be redirected to your article detail page.

On this page you can change every texts or buttons, colors, sizes, and even add new elements. Please note that the new elements that you drop there will stay the same for every products.

Don’t forget to publish your shop, in order to give your visitors access to your last modifications!

Orders Review

Follow all your incoming orders by accessing the “Orders” menu in your shop dashboard.

Double click on your shop element, enter the “Add/Edit Articles” menu and click on  “Orders” on the left side.

​You will see there all your visitors orders.

That’s it! You are now ready to reach your customers anywhere.